Communications at international conferences
Submetidos para publicação
MARQUES, R. (2024). Regulation of Alternative Solutions for Sanitation Services. Invited Speaker. Technical Chamber of Basic Sanitation of ABAR. João Pessoa - Brasil. 26 September.
MARQUES, R. (2023). ¿Qué hemos aprendido de las últimas tres décadas de experiencia sobre los factores que impulsan las APP locales?. In XVI FORO INTERNACIONAL RUITEM. Desafíos del Desarrollo Regional y Local Sostenible, el cambio climático y la tecnología Universidad – Empresa – Gobierno Local. Cuenca – Ecuador. 25-27 October.
MARQUES, R. (2023). O Papel das Agências na REgulação Contratual. In 32 Congresso da ABES. Belo Horizonte - Brazil. 21-24 May.
MARQUES, R. (2023). Revisitando a Regulação de Serviços de Saneamento: Perspetiva Internacional. In Fórum Internacional - Os Novos Cenários para as Empresas Públicas de Saneamento. Brasília - Brazil. 3-4 May.
MARQUES, R. (2022). El Uso de Metodologías no Paramétricas en la Regulación de los Servicios de Agua. In 1st Congreso de Eficiencia y Productividad (CEYP). Badajoz – Spain. 15-16 September.
MARQUES, R. (2022). Novos Desafios Regulatórios e o Novo Marco Legal do Saneamento Básico. Invited Speaker In Congresso: O Marco Legal do Saneamento Básico. PGE RJ - Brazil. 12-13 September.
MACHETE, I., MARQUES, R. (2022). Regulatory efficiency of water supply and sanitation regulatory agencies in Brazil. In XVII European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA), Porto (Portugal), 27 - 29 June.
PEDRO, I.; FERREIRA, D.; MARQUES, R. (2022). A Stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis of customer satisfaction with luxury 5-Star hotels located in five European capital cities. In XVII European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA), Porto (Portugal), 27 - 29 June.
FERREIRA, D.; MARQUES, R. (2022). Efficient tariffs paid for wastewater services in Portugal. In XVII European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA), Porto (Portugal), 27 - 29 June.
SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2022). Non-parametric methodologies on the regulation of water services in Brasília. In XVII European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA), Porto (Portugal), 27 - 29 June.
MARQUES, R. (2022). Desafios e Oportunidades na Transição de Modelos Regulatórios e Operadores dos Serviços de Abastecimento de Água e Esgotamento Sanitário no Brasil. In Brazil Water Week, 23-27 May | Online.
PEREIRA, M; MARQUES, R. (2022). The ‘Sustainable Public Health Index’: What if public health and sustainable development are compatible?. In SESDI Annual Confererence, Jacksonville - FL, (USA), 16-19 February.
MACHETE, I.; MARQUES, R.; SIMÕES, P. (2021). Fiscalização de serviços de saneamento básico e o novo ambiente regulatório. In XII Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação e 6ª Expo ABAR. Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil), 10 - 12 November.
MACHETE, I.; MARQUES, R. (2021). A influência dos riscos de projeto no financiamento do saneamento básico. In XII Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação e 6ª Expo ABAR. Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil), 10 - 12 November.
SIMÕES, P.; MACHETE, I.; MARQUES, R. (2021). A perspetiva internacional sobre a garantia de acesso ao serviço de abastecimento de água. In XII Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação e 6ª Expo ABAR. Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil), 10 - 12 November.
MARQUES (2021). A importância da regulação no setor de gestão de resíduos. In XII Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação e 6ª Expo ABAR. Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil), 10 - 12 November.
MARQUES (2021). Modernização das estruturas tarifárias do setor de saneamento. In XII Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação e 6ª Expo ABAR. Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil), 10 - 12 November.
MARQUES (2021). Estrutura de Governança, Mediação e Arbitragem: Os Novos Desafios da Regulação Infranacional. In XII Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação e 6ª Expo ABAR. Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil), 10 - 12 November.
MARQUES, (2021). Diálogo setorial 8 - Participação do setor privado. In 31º Congresso da ABES - Congresso Brasiileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, Curitiba (Brazil), October 17-20.
MARQUES, (2021). Diálogo setorial 6 - Desafios para a universalização i: a importância dos indicadores para o planejamento e controle de metas. In 31º Congresso da ABES - Congresso Brasiileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, Curitiba (Brazil), October 17-20.
MARQUES, R. (2021). Think Tank - Digital enablers to water economics, statistics and asset management. In 5th International Conference on water Economics, International Conference on Rethinking Treatment with Wasset Management, IWA, Porto (Portugal), September 23.
FERREIRA, D.; MARQUES, R. (2021). Customer satisfaction in Portuguese drinking water services. In 5th International Conference on water Economics, International Conference on Rethinking Treatment with Wasset Management, IWA, Porto (Portugal), September 22-24.
WANG, P.; XU, F.; MARQUES, R. (2021). Procurement Model Selection for Water Public‐Private Partnership Projects in China. In 5th International Conference on water Economics, International Conference on Rethinking Treatment with Wasset Management, IWA, Porto (Portugal), September 22-24.
NARZETTI, D.; MARQUES, R. (2021). Incentives for the development of water supply and sanitation systems for poor families. In 5th International Conference on water Economics, International Conference on Rethinking Treatment with Wasset Management, IWA, Porto (Portugal), September 22-24.
LIMA, S.; BROCHADO, A.; MARQUES, R. (2021). Public‐private partnerships – a risk approach in the water sector. In 5th International Conference on water Economics, International Conference on Rethinking Treatment with Wasset Management, IWA, Porto (Portugal), September 22-24.
PEREIRA, M.; MARQUES, R. (2021). From a Millennium to a Sustainable water and sanitation development: Were we there already?. In 5th International Conference on water Economics, International Conference on Rethinking Treatment with Wasset Management, IWA, Porto (Portugal), September 22-24.
MACHETE, I; MARQUES, R. (2021). Project risks influence on water supply and sanitation sectors’ financing: a case‐study on the World Bank database. In 5th International Conference on water Economics, International Conference on Rethinking Treatment with Wasset Management, IWA, Porto (Portugal), September 22-24.
NARZETTI, W.; NARZETTI, D.; MARQUES, R. (2021). Efficiency of Water Sanitation Service Investments vis‐à‐vis Universal Access. In 5th International Conference on water Economics, International Conference on Rethinking Treatment with Wasset Management, IWA, Porto (Portugal), September 22-24.
PAULA, J. M.P.; MARQUES, R. (2021). A panoramic view of the recent Brazil´s sanitation framework. In 5th International Conference on water Economics, International Conference on Rethinking Treatment with Wasset Management, IWA, Porto (Portugal), September 22-24.
MARQUES, R. (2020). Indicadores de desempenho para empresas de saneamento. In Encontro Técnico AESABESP. 31º Congresso Nacional de Saneamento e Meio Ambiente. AESABESP, Online, 26 Novembro.
MARQUES, R. (2020). Regulatory asset base of Water utilities: contracts the regulatory treatment of PPPs, Performance contracts and traditional works/services contracts. In Brazil Water Week 2020, ABES, Online, October 26-30.
MARQUES, R. (2019). Pesquisa: A Regulação como Fator Chave à Qualidade do Saneamento . In XI Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação e 5ª Expo ABAR, Maceió, Brasil, August 14-16.
MARQUES, R. (2019). Experiências internacionais de regulação dos serviços de saneamento. In XI Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação e 5ª Expo ABAR, Maceió, Brasil, August 14-16.
MARQUES, R. (2019). Participação do Setor Privado nos Serviços de Saneamento: Desafios para Regulação. In XI Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação e 5ª Expo ABAR, Maceió, Brasil, August 14-16.
MARQUES, R. (2019). Regulation and Universal Access to Sanitation. Presented at Urban Sanitation and PIR Workshop with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (GF), Lisboa (Portugal), August 1-2.
LIMA, S.; BROCHADO, A.; MARQUES, R. (2019). Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in water sector: Review. Presented at EURAM 2019, Lisboa (Portugal), June 26-28.
MARQUES, R. (2019). A implantação da Logística Reversa na Europa na desoneração do serviço público. Presented at 30º Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, CBESA. Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), June 16-19.
MARQUES, R. (2019). A Evolução da Regulação e da Prestação de Serviços de Saneamento - Foco da Regulação. Presented at 3rd ENARMIS, Encontro Nacional das Agências Reguladoras Municipais de Saneamento. Blumenau (Brazil), May 30-31.
MARQUES, R. (2018). Soluciones mejoradas y sostenibles de saneamiento: discussión y comparación del concepto en America del Sur. Presented at XXXVI Congreso Interamericano de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental “En vía al Desarrollo Sostenible”, Guayaquil (Ecuador), 28 a 31 October.
PEREIRA, H.; MARQUES, R. (2018). 20 años de continuidad de una nueva cultura del agua: Flujos de agua, flujos de vida". Presented at X Congreso Ibérico de Gestión y Planificación del Agua, Coimbra (Portugal), September 6-8.
MARQUES, R. (2018). Regulação das Parcerias Público-Privadas (PPP) no setor de águas e resíduos: experiência de Portugal. Presented at XIII Forum RUITEM - Políticas Públicas e Iniciativa Privada, Lisbon (Portugal), June 11-13.
MARQUES, R. (2018). Regulación de los servicios de agua en América Latina: lecciones, desafíos y oportunidades. Presented at 8th World Water Forum, Brasilia (Brazil), March 18-23.
MARQUES, R. (2017). El estado del Arte de la Regulación. Lecciones para América Latina e Argentina. Presented at IWA Water and Development Congress & Exhibition 2017, Buenos Aires (Argentina), November 11-16.
CETRULO, T.; CETRULO, N.; MALHEIROS, T.; MARQUES, R.; DE SANTI, Al. (2018). Benchmarking de desempenho entre as operadoras de água e esgoto das bacias PCJ. Presented at Congresso ABES - FENASAN 2017, São Paulo (Brazil) , October 3-5.
SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2017). Incentives on packaging waste financing: A step forward for sustainability. Presented at the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Athens (Greece): University of Athens, June 21-24.
FERREIRA, D.; MARQUES, R.; NUNES, A. (2017). Economies of scope in health sector: the case of Portuguese hospitals. Presented at the 15th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis - EWEPA, London (UK): University College of London and EWEPA, June 12-15.
PEREIRA, H.; MARQUES, R. (2017). Irrigation efficiency: An analytical review and application. Presented at the 6th Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Porto (Portugal): Universidade Católica Portuguesa, June 9.
FERREIRA, D.; MARQUES, R.; NUNES, A. (2017). Pay for performance: A new best practices tariff-based tool. Presented at the 6th Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Porto, (Portugal): Universidade Católica Portuguesa, June 9.
CALDAS, P.; FERREIRA, D.; DOLLERY, B.; MARQUES, R. (2017). Economies of scope in Portuguese local government. Presented at the PSA Annual International Conference, Glasgow (Scotland): Political Science Association, April 10-12.
CALDAS, P.; DOLLERY, B.; MARQUES, R. (2016). What really matters concerning local government evaluation: Community sustainability. Presented at the Lex localis ‐ Journal of Local Self‐Government Annual Conference 2016, Oporto (Portugal): Several entities, June 16-17.
CARVALHO, B.; MARQUES, R. (2016). Regulatory impact analysis (RIA): An ex-post analysis of water services by the legal review in Portugal. Presented at the 2nd International Seminar on Water Resources Management, Oviedo (Spain): Oviedo University, June 28-29.
PINTO, F. S.; MARQUES, R. (2016). Feasibility of desalination projects: The role of tariff structure solutions. Presented at the 2nd International Seminar on Water Resources Management, Oviedo (Spain): Oviedo University, June 28-29.
PINTO, F.; MARQUES, R. (2015). Requisite tariffs: Establishing a regulatory tool linking multiple stakeholders’ objectives. Presented at the European Water Utility Management: Promoting Innovation within the Water Industry and Spreading Knowledge on Relevant and Cutting Edge Water Utility Issues. Pisa (Italy), University of Pisa, June 3.
SIMÕES, P.; PINTO, F.; MARQUES, R. (2015). Performance evaluation of Brazilian water sector. Presented at the Workshop on Assessment Methodologies 2015, Coimbra (Portugal), University of Coimbra, June 19.
RODRIGUES, M. MARQUES, R. (2015). Challenges of PPP arrangements in the Brazilian water Ssctor. Presented at the 1st Redrafting Water Governance conference, Lisbon (Portugal): School of Law, University of Lisbon, October 8-9.
CARVALHO, B.; NETTO, O.; MARQUES, R. (2015). How does climate change influence the regulatory decision making process in the water supply sector. Presented at the 1st Redrafting Water Governance conference, Lisbon (Portugal): School of Law, University of Lisbon, October 8-9.
FECHE, E.; MALHEIROS, T.; MARQUES, R. (2015). Inclusive governance: New concept of water and sanitation services in social vulnerability areas. Presented at the 1st Redrafting Water Governance conference, Lisbon (Portugal): School of Law, University of Lisbon, October 8-9.
PINTO, F.; MARQUES, R. (2015). Tariff suitability framework: Establishing a regulatory tool linking multiple stakeholder’s objectives. Presented at the 1st Redrafting Water Governance conference, Lisbon (Portugal): School of Law, University of Lisbon, October 8-9.
SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2015). Water tariffs: A step forward to good governance. Presented at the 1st Redrafting Water Governance conference, Lisbon (Portugal): School of Law, University of Lisbon, October 8-9.
MARQUES, R. (2015). The role and measurement of regulatory governance. Presented at the 1st Redrafting Water Governance conference, Lisbon (Portugal): School of Law, University of Lisbon, October 8-9.
FERREIRA, D.; SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2015). Malmquist and Hicks-Moorsteen productivity indexes for clusters performance evaluation. Presented at the 5th Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Oporto (Portugal): Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), October 5.
DA CRUZ, N.; SIMÕES, P.; FERREIRA, S.; CABRAL, M.; MARQUES, R. (2014). The economic impact of the packaging and packaging waste directive. Presented at the Research Meeting, City of Luxembourg (Luxembourg): European Investment Bank, February 5-6.
CARVALHO, P.; PEDRO, I., MARQUES; R. (2014). The most efficient clusters of Brazilian water companies In 12th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA2014, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia): International Data Envelopment Analysis Society, April 14-17.
SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2013). Regulação do setor da reciclagem de embalagens na Europa. Presented at the VII Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação, 2ª EXPO ABAR, Fortaleza (Brazil): Centro de Eventos do Ceará, Associação Brasileira das Agências Reguladoras (ABAR), August 19-23.
PEDRO, I; CARVALHO, P.; MARQUES, R. (2013). Brazilian state-owned water utilities. Presented at the EURO / INFORMS MMXIII, 26th European Conference on Operational Research, Rome (Italy): Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO), July 1-4.
CARVALHO, P.; MARQUES, R. (2013). Computing economies of vertical integration, economies of scope and economies of scale using partial frontier nonparametric methods Presented at the 11th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA2013, Samsun (Turkey): International Data Envelopment Analysis Society, June 27-30.
FERREIRA, D.; MARQUES, R. (2013). Measuring the congestion of Portuguese internment services. Presented at the 11th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA2013, Samsun (Turkey): International Data Envelopment Analysis Society, June 27-30.
MARQUES, R.; CARVALHO, P. (2013). Computing economies of vertical integration, economies of scope and economies of scale using partial frontier nonparametric methods. Presented at the 13th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Helsinky (Finland): Aalto University School of Business, June 17-20.
FERREIRA, D.; MARQUES, R. (2013). Congestion of intensive care units using an appropriate production technology. Presented at the 13th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Helsinky (Finland): Aalto University School of Business, June 17-20.
CARVALHO, P.; MARQUES, R. (2013). Smoothing nonparametric partial frontier methods. Presented at the 13th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Helsinky (Finland): Aalto University School of Business, June 17-20.
DA CRUZ, N.; FERREIRA, S.; CABRAL, M.; SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2012). Eimpack project: Recycling package waste: Considering all the costs and all the benefits. Presented at the First EIMPACK Congress, Lisbon (Portugal): Hotel Zurique, November 29-30.
FERREIRA, S.; CABRAL, M.; DA CRUZ, N.; SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2012). Environmental evaluation - LCA applied to waste management systems. Presented at the First EIMPACK Congress, Lisbon (Portugal): Hotel Zurique, November 29-30.
FERREIRA, D.; MARQUES, R. (2012). Measuring the efficiency of Portuguese hospitals. Presented at the 4st Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Oporto (Portugal): Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), October 29.
MARQUES, R. (2012). The Trust version on sustainability. Presented at the TRUST Workshop Sustainability Roadmap, Basel (Switzerland): University of Applied Sciences Northwestern, October 4-5.
LUIZ, T.; MARQUES, R. (2012). Performance evaluation of Brazilian water Companies. Presented at the 10th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, Natal (Brazil): International Data Envelopment Analysis Society, Hotel Pestana, Rio Grande do Norte, August 27-30.
CARVALHO, P.; MARQUES, R. (2012). Investigating economies of scope by robust nonparametric methods. Presented at the 10th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, Natal (Brazil): International Data Envelopment Analysis Society, Hotel Pestana, Rio Grande do Norte, August 27-30.
SIMÕES, P.; CARVALHO, P.; DA CRUZ, N.; MARQUES, R. (2012). Efficiency of Portuguese recycling systems. Presented at the 10th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, Natal (Brazil): International Data Envelopment Analysis Society, Hotel Pestana, Rio Grande do Norte, August 27-30.
DA CRUZ, N.; MARQUES, R. (2012). Municipal governance indicators: A conceptual model. Presented at the 52nd European Congress of the RSAI and 4th Central European Regional Science Conference: Regions in Motion - Breaking the Path, Bratislava (Slovakia): European Regional Science Association (ERSA), August 21-25.
DA CRUZ, N.; MARQUES, R. (2012). What influences the performance of local governments? Presented at the 52nd European Congress of the RSAI and 4th Central European Regional Science Conference: Regions in Motion - Breaking the Path, Bratislava (Slovakia): European Regional Science Association (ERSA), August 21-25.
OLIVEIRA, R.; PEDRO, I.; MARQUES, R. (2010). Comparing groups of efficiency in Algarve Portuguese hotels. Presented at the EURO XXIV, 25th European Conference on Operation Research, Vilnius (Lithuania): Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO), July 8-11.
MARQUES, R. (2012). Can sound contracts avoid PPP renegotiations? Lessons from the water sector. Presented at the Symposium on “Neither Public nor Private: Mixed Forms of Service Delivery around the Globe”, Barcelona (Spain): Faculdade de Economia, Universitat de Barcelona, May 16-17.
MARQUES, R.; DA CRUZ, N.; FERREIRA, S.; PEREIRA, M. (2012). The financial flows in the recycling of packaging waste. Presented at the Pro-Europe Meeting, Lisbon (Portugal): Sociedade Ponto Verde (SPV), March 16.
MARQUES, R.; DA CRUZ, N.; FERREIRA, S.; PEREIRA, M. (2011). The financial flows in the recycling of packaging waste: the case of Portugal. Presented at the EIMPack Workshop 1 - The financial flows in the recycling of packaging waste, Lisbon (Portugal): Instituto Superior Técnico, November 4.
MARQUES, R.; SIMÕES, P. (2011). Measuring the performance of Portuguese prisons: a non-parametric approach. Presented at the DEA2011 Conference - International Data Envelopment Analysis Society, Thessaloniki, (Greece): Macedonia University, International Data Envelopment Analysis Society, August 25-27.
MARQUES, R.; SIMÕES, P. (2011). Regulação sunshine um passo em frente na regulação do saneamento. Presented at the Regulação da Qualidade de Serviço, Fortaleza (Brazil): Governo Estadual do Ceará and Agência Reguladora do Estado do Ceará (ARCE), August 19.
CARVALHO, P.; MARQUES, R. (2011). Investigating economies of scope by robust non-parametric methods. Presented at the XII European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Verona (Italy): Verona University, EWEPA, June 22-24.
MARQUES, R.; CARVALHO, P. (2011). On evaluating efficiency of groups of observations. Presented at the XII European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Verona (Italy): Verona University, EWEPA, June 22-24.
SIMÕES, P.; CARVALHO, P.; MARQUES, R. (2011). Private partners in the waste sector: opportunists or allies? Presented at the XII European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Verona (Italy): Verona University, EWEPA, June 22-24.
MARQUES, R. (2011). Why has privatization in water utilities failed? Presented at the Privatization and Liberalization 2011, Stockholm (Sweden): Södertörn University, June 16-17.
SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2010). Influence of regulation on performance of waste utilities. Presented at the EURO XXIV, 24th European Conference on Operation Research, Lisbon (Portugal): Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO), July 11-14.
MARQUES, R.; CARVALHO, P.; SIMÕES, P. (2010). Operational environment and its influence on international airports performance. Presented at the EURO XXIV, 24th European Conference on Operation Research, Lisbon (Portugal): Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO), July 11-14.
CARVALHO, P.; MARQUES, R. (2010). Economies of scope in the Portuguese water utilities. Presented at the EURO XXIV, 24th European Conference on Operation Research, Lisbon (Portugal): Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO), July 11-14.
CRUZ, C.; MARQUES, R. (2010). A contribution to the study of PPPs in airport development, management and operation. Presented at the 2010 ATRS World Conference, Oporto (Portugal): Air Transport Research Society (ATRS), Universidade do Porto, July 6-9.
SIMÕES, P.; CRUZ, C.; MARQUES, R.; CARVALHO, P. (2010). Performance benchmarking of worldwide airports using frontier methods. Presented at the 2010 ATRS World Conference, Oporto (Portugal): Air Transport Research Society (ATRS), Universidade do Porto, July 6-9.
SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2010). Influence of regulation on the productivity of waste utilities. Presented at the DEA2010 Conference - International Data Envelopment Analysis Society, Beirut (Lebanon): International Data Envelopment Analysis Society, June 10-12.
MARQUES, R.; CARVALHO, P., SIMÕES, P. (2010). Performance and operational environment analysis of worldwide airports. Presented at the VI North American Productivity Workshop (NAPW), Houston (USA): Rice University, Texas, June 2-5.
CARVALHO, P.; MARQUES, R. (2010). How to compute economies of scope by non-parametric methods? Presented at the VI North American Productivity Workshop (NAPW), Houston (USA): Rice University, Texas, June 2-5.
SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2010). Regulation and productivity. Are they compatible? Presented at the VI North American Productivity Workshop (NAPW), Houston (USA): Rice University, Texas, June 2-5.
DA CRUZ, N.; MARQUES, R. (2010). The pros and cons of mixed companies as local water utilities. Presented at the Workshop on Water Economics and Technology, WATERDAY, Berlin (Germany): Deutschen Institut für Wirtschaft (DIW), February 25.
CARVALHO, N.; MARQUES, R. (2010). Essays on economies of scope in the Portuguese water utilities. Presented at the Workshop on Water Economics and Technology, WATERDAY, Berlin (Germany): Deutschen Institut für Wirtschaft (DIW), February 25.
SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R.; PIRES, J. (2010). An international overview on water sector regulation. Presented at the Workshop on Water Economics and Technology, WATERDAY, Berlin (Germany): Deutschen Institut für Wirtschaft (DIW), February 25.
MARQUES, R.; SIMÕES, P. (2010). Measuring the performance of worldwide airports using non-parametric benchmarking frontier methods. Presented at the Organization Science Winter Conference XVI Pushing Research Frontiers in Organization Science: Celebrating the Contributions of Arie Y. Lewin, Steamboat (USA): Duke University, February 4-7.
SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2010). Does regulation have a good influence? The case-study of Portuguese urban waste sector. Presented at the Organization Science Winter Conference XVI Pushing Research Frontiers in Organization Science: Celebrating the Contributions of Arie Y. Lewin, Steamboat (USA): Duke University, February 4-7.
CARVALHO, P.; SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2009). Measuring the performance of Portuguese major airports using non-parametric benchmarking frontier methods. Presented at the 3rd Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Oporto (Portugal): Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), September 25.
MARQUES, R.; CARVALHO, P.; SIMÕES, P. (2009). Incentives in Portuguese water regulation. Presented at the OR51 – The OR Society Annual Conference (OR), Warwick (England): Operational Research Society, September 8-10.
CARVALHO, P.; MARQUES, R.; SIMÕES, P. (2009). Verticalisation economies in the Portuguese water. Presented at the OR51 – The OR Society Annual Conference (OR), Warwick (England): Operational Research Society, September 8-10.
SANTOS, J.; MARQUES, R.; SIMÕES, P.; COSTA, A. (2009). Measuring efficiency of European metros. Presented at the DEA2009 Conference - International Data Envelopment Analysis Society, Philadelphia (USA): International Data Envelopment Analysis Society, July 10-12.
MARQUES, R.; SIMÕES, P. (2009). Evaluation of the congestion phenomenon. Presented at the XI European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Pisa (Italy): Pisa University, March 15-18.
SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2009). Does regulation influence the performance on the solid waste utilities? Presented at the XI European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA), Pisa (Italy): Pisa University, March 15-18.
SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2009). A regulação dos serviços de resíduos sólidos. Presented at the V Congresso da Associação Brasileira das Agências de Regulação (ABAR), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil): Hotel Sheraton, Associação Brasileira das Agências Reguladoras (ABAR), May 16-18.
SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2008). Are the European seaports congested? Presented at the Conference on Innovative applications on Frontier Models in Seaports, Lisbon (Portugal): Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG), September 5.
SIMÕES, P.; DE WITTE, K.; MARQUES, R. (2008). Measuring efficiency and the influence of operational environment in the Portuguese solid waste services. Presented at the IFORS 2008, International Federation of Operational Research Societies Conference, Sandton, Johannesburg (South Africa): International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), July 13-18.
MARQUES, R.; DE WITTE, K. (2008). Influential observations in frontier models. Presented at the IFORS 2008, International Federation of Operational Research Societies Conference, Sandton, Johannesburg (South Africa): International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), July 13-18.
BROCHADO, A.; MARQUES, R. (2008). A European perspective of airports’ abuse of dominant position. Presented at the 2008 ATRS World Conference, Athens (Greece): Air Transport Research Society (ATRS), Aegean University, July 6-10.
MARQUES, R.; DE WITTE, K. (2008). Nonparametrically measuring scale and scope economies with an application to the drinking water sector. Presented at the V North American Productivity Workshop (NAPW), New York (USA): Stern School of Business, New York University, June 24-27.
BROCHADO, A.; MARQUES, R. (2007). Airports’ abuse of dominant position on aeronautical charges: a case law approach. Presented at the Workshop on Competition In Transport Markets, Mannheim (Germany): Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), November 26-27.
DE WITTE, K.; MARQUES, R. (2007). Influential observations in frontier models, a robust non-oriented approach to the water sector. Presented at the OR49 – The OR Society Annual Conference, Edinburg (Scotland): Operational Research Society (OR), September 4-6.
MARQUES, R.; DE WITTE, K. (2007). International benchmarking of water utilities. Presented at the EURO XXII, 22nd European Conference on Operation Research, Prague (Czech Republic): Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO), July 8-11.
OLIVEIRA, R.; FERREIRA, J.; MARQUES, R. (2007). Specification and assessment in public private partnerships for hospitals to move forward. Presented at the Workshop on Quality Prescriptions and Quality Assessment in PPP Procurement, Lisbon (Portugal): Parpública, July 5.
BROCHADO, A.; MARQUES, R. (2007). Measuring the performance of European major airports using benchmarking frontier methods. Presented at the 2007 ATRS World Conference, Berkeley, San Francisco (USA): Berkeley University, Air Transport Research Society (ATRS), June 21-23.
MARQUES, R.; BROCHADO, A. (2007). Regulation, market structure and performance in airports. Is there need for an European regulator? Presented at the 2007 ATRS World Conference, Berkeley, San Francisco (USA): Berkeley University, Air Transport Research Society (ATRS), June 21-23.
MARQUES, R.; DE WITTE, K. (2007). Designing incentives in local public utilities, an international comparison in the drinking water sector. Presented at the Tenth European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA): Retrospect and Prospect, Lille (France): GAPEM, IÉSEG School of Management, Lille Economics & Management (CNRS), June 27-30.
DE WITTE, K.; MARQUES, R. (2007). Taking into account environmental variables in frontier models: a metafrontier approach to the drinking water sector. Presented at the Tenth European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA): Retrospect and Prospect, Lille (France): GAPEM, IÉSEG School of Management, Lillie Economics & Management (CNRS), June 27-30.
DE WITTE, K.; MARQUES, R. (2007). Environmental factors in frontier models, a metafrontier approach to the drinking water sector. Presented at the Doctoral Workshop, Leuven (Belgium): Catholic University of Leuven, May 25.
MARQUES, R.; SILVA, D. (2007). Comparing the productivity of public services using bootstrap non-parametric methods. Presented at the III Congreso de Eficiencia y Productividad, III CEP EFIUCO, Córdoba (Spain): Cordoba University, April 26-27.
DE WITTE, K.; MARQUES, R. (2007). Designing incentives in local public utilities, an international comparison of the drinking water sector. Presented at the Doctoral Workshop, Doctoral Program in Economics, Leuven (Belgium): Catholic University of Leuven, January 26-27.
MARQUES, R.; SILVA, D. (2006). Measuring productivity of public services using non-parametric methods. Presented at the 2nd Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Oporto (Portugal): Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), September 25.
MARQUES, R.; SILVA, D. (2006). Measuring the economic performance of water and sewerage services. A DEA bootstrap approach. Presented at the OR48 – the OR Society Annual Conference, Bath (England): Operational Research Society (OR), September 11-13.
MARQUES, R.; SILVA, D. (2006). Measuring productivity of Portuguese water and sewerage services by non-parametric methods. Presented at the EURO XXI, 21st European Conference on Operation Research, Reykjavik (Iceland): Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO), July 2-5.
MARQUES, R.; SILVA, D. (2005). O índice de produtividade de Hicks-Moorsteen. Presented at the I Congresso de Estatística e Investigação Operacional da Galiza e do Norte de Portugal, Guimarães (Portugal): Universidade do Minho, October 26-28.
MARQUES, R.; SILVA, D. (2005). O método de bootstrap aplicado aos modelos fronteira não paramétricos de estimação da eficiência. Presented at the I Congresso de Estatística e Investigação Operacional da Galiza e do Norte de Portugal, Guimarães (Portugal): Universidade de Minho, October 26-28.
MARQUES, R. (2005). The corporatization and private sector participation in the water sector in Portugal. Reviewing the first decade. Presented at the International Conference on Governance Systems and Competitive Models in Water Services, Palermo (Italy): Federutilitiy and International Water Association (IWA), October 12-14.
MARQUES, R.; MONTEIRO, A. (2004). Benchmarking the economic performance of Portuguese water and sewerage services. Presented at the 4th International Symposium of DEA, Birmingham (UK): Aston Business School, Aston University, September 5-6.
MARQUES, R.; MONTEIRO, A. (2003). Measuring productivity and efficiency of Portuguese water and sewerage services. Presented at the Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Oporto (Portugal): Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), September 22.