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101. SIMÔES, P.; PINTO, F.; MACHETE, I.; MARQUES, R. (2023). Implementação de Regulação baseada em Riscos nas Agências Reguladoras. Anais de XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação (ABAR). ISBN: 978-85-52913-04-7.

100. MACHETE, I.; SIMÔES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2023). Implementação de Regulação Responsiva nas Agências Reguladoras. Anais de XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação (ABAR). ISBN: 978-85-52913-04-7.

99. MACHETE, I.; MARQUES, R. (2023). Characteristics and Results of Water Supply and Sanitation Projects. In Environmental Science Proceedings, MDPI. | Conference EWaS5, Naples, Italy, July 12–15.  ISSN: 2673-4931.

98. MACHETE, I.; MARQUES, R.; PIRES, J.S.; FERNANDES, E.; BRITO, J. (2019). Elaboração de tarifas de saneamento sustentáveis - caso de estudo de Cabo Verde. In Anais | XI Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação e 5ª Expo ABAR, Maceió, Brasil, August 14-16. ISBN: 978-85-52913-02-3

97. NARZETTI, D.; MARQUES, R. (2019). Modelos de subsídio tarifário para abastecimento de água e esgotamento sanitário para famílias pobres: Quem realmente é beneficiado? In Anais | XI Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação e 5ª Expo ABAR, Maceió, Brasil, August 14-16. ISBN: 978-85-52913-02-3

96. FERREIRA, R.; GAMA, J.; MANZI, D.; POSSETTI. G.; MARQUES, R. (2019). Quantificar a ineficiência repassada à tarifa - a fronteira e a econômica do desempenho energético. In Anais | XI Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação e 5ª Expo ABAR, Maceió, Brasil, Agosto 14-16. ISBN: 978-85-52913-02-3

95. PEREIRA, M.; FERREIRA, D.; FIGUEIRA, J.; MARQUES, R. (2019). Evaluating the efficency of the portuguese national health system: a network data envelopment analysis approach.  In Proceedings of the 2nd Spanish Young Statisticians and Operational Research Meeting, El Escorial (Spain), June 5-7.

94. PINTO, F.; MARQUES, R. (2015). Cooperation and development programme: A TBL approach to coverage improvements. In Proceedings of The Leading Conference on Water Security for Sustainable Development, Oman (Jordan), Water and Development Congress & Exhibition, October 18-22.

93. CRUZ, C.; KOKKAEW, N.; MARQUES, R. (2015). Public-private partnerships for high-speed rail projects: Portugal and Thailand. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Public-Private Partnerships, Austin, Texas (USA), American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE), May 26-29.

92. PINTO, F.; SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2015). Indicadores de desempenho: A sustentabilidade dos serviços. In Proceedings of the 9º Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação, Brasilia (Brazil): Associação Brasileira de Agências Reguladoras, Centro de Convenções Ulisses Guimarães, August 17-20.


​91. MARQUES, R. (2015). Regulação de PPP no setor do saneamento no Brasil. In Proceedings of the 9º Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação, Brasilia (Brazil): Associação Brasileira de Agências Reguladoras, Centro de Convenções Ulisses Guimarães, August 17-20.


90. PINTO, F.; SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2015). Regulação de tarifas: Quais os interesses que é preciso proteger? In Proceedings of the 9º Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação, Brasilia (Brazil): Associação Brasileira de Agências Reguladoras, Centro de Convenções Ulisses Guimarães, August 17-20.


89. SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2015). Aplicação de indicadores de desempenho nos serviços de resíduos sólidos. In Proceedings of the 9º Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação, Brasilia (Brazil): Associação Brasileira de Agências Reguladoras, Centro de Convenções Ulisses Guimarães, August 17-20.


88. GUIMARÃES, E.F.; MALHEIROS, T.F.; MARQUES, R. (2015) Universalização e governança inclusiva: novos conceitos e indicadores de saneamento básico para áreas de vulnerabilidade social. In Proceedings of the IV Workshop Interdisciplinario de Investigación e Indicadores de Sustentabilidad, Concepción (Chile): Universidade de Concepción, March 30-April 1.

87. RIGAMONTI, L.; FERREIRA, S.; GROSSO, M.; MARQUES, R. (2014). Cost-benefit analysis of the packaging waste management system in the lombardia region. In Proceedings of the IWWG 2014, Venice (Italy): International Waste Working Group, November 26.

86. GERVÁSIO, J.; MARQUES, R. (2014). Plano estratégico dos setores de águas e resíduos para o Alto Alentejo. In Proceedings of the XVIº SILUBESA (Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental), 12º Congresso da Água; 16º Encontro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (ENASB), Lisboa (Portugal): Associação Portuguesa de Recursos Hídricos (APRH), Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária (ABES) and Associação Portuguesa de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (APESB), March 5-8, 15 p.


85. MARQUES, R.; GERVÁSIO, J.; ALMEIDA, J. (2014). Desenho do novo quadro institucional do setor de água e saneamento de Cabo Verde. In Proceedings of the XVIº SILUBESA (Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental), 12º Congresso da Água; 16º Encontro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (ENASB), Lisboa (Portugal): Associação Portuguesa de Recursos Hídricos (APRH), Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária (ABES) and Associação Portuguesa de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (APESB), March 5-8, 15 p.


84. RIGAMONTI, L.; FERREIRA, S.; GROSSO, M.; MARQUES, R. (2014). Economic‐financial analysis of the Italian packaging waste management system. In Proceedings of the SUM 2014, Second Symposium on Urban Mining, Bergamo (Itália): IWWG – International Waste Working Group, May 19‐21, 8 p.

​83. RIGAMONTI, L.; FERREIRA, S.; GROSSO, M.; MARQUES, R. (2014). Economic and environmental assessment of the Italian packaging waste management system. In Proceedings of the ISWA2014 Solid Waste World Congress: (Re)discovering a New World: Sustainable Solutions for a Healthy Future, São Paulo (Brazil): International Solid Waste Association, December 8-11, 12 p.

82. CABRAL, M; FERREIRA, S.; DA CRUZ, N.; SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2013). The economics of the recycling of packaging waste in Europe. In Proceedings of the 14th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Sardinia- 2013, S. Margherita di Pula (Italy): International Waste Working Group, September 30-October 4, 10 p.

81. FERREIRA, S.; CABRAL, M; DA CRUZ, N.; SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2013). Environmental valuation from recycling of packaging waste in Europe. In Proceedings of the 14th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Sardinia-2013, S. Margherita di Pula (Italy): International Waste Working Group, September 30-October 4, 10 p.

80. FERREIRA, S.; CABRAL, M; SIMÕES, P.; DA CRUZ, N.; MARQUES, R. (2013).  Packaging waste management in Europe: the economic value of externalities. In Proceedings of the ISWA 2013 World Congress, Vienna (Austria): International Solid Waste Association (IWSA), October 7-11, 10 p.

79. CABRAL, M; FERREIRA, S.; DA CRUZ, N.; SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2013).  Cost benefit analysis of recycling of packaging waste: a case study. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Wastes 2013, Braga (Portugal): Universidade do Minho, September 11-13, 10 p.

78. CRUZ, C.; MARQUES, R. (2013). O desenvolvimento de serviços de infraestruturas através de PPP: Lições da experiência Portuguesa. In Proceedings of the VII Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação, 2ª EXPO ABAR, Fortaleza (Brazil): Centro de Eventos do Ceará, Associação Brasileira das Agências Reguladoras (ABAR), August 19-23, 8 p.


77. FERREIRA, S.; CABRAL, M.; SIMÕES, P.; DA CRUZ, N.; MARQUES, R., (2013). Life cycle assessment on packaging waste management in Portugal. In Proceedings of the Jornadas Técnicas Internacionais dos Resíduos – Gestão de resíduos para a sustentabilidade dos recursos, Lisbon (Portugal): Associação Portuguesa de Estudos de Saneamento Básico (APESB), Instituto Superior Técnico, July 16-18, 10 p.


76. DA CRUZ, N.; MARQUES, R. (2013). Measuring the sustainability of urban water services. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of EWRA - Water Resources Management in an Interdisciplinary and Changing Context, Oporto (Portugal): European Water Resources Association (EWERA), June 26-29, 8 p.


75. MARTINS, J.; MARQUES, R.; CRUZ, C. (2013). Flexible design of public private partnerships schemes. In Proceedings of the IPF Conference, Milan (Italy): Politécnico de Milano, June 17-19, 12 p.

74. PEREIRA, I.; MARQUES, R.; CRUZ, C. (2013). Alternative PPP models for delivering urban light rail systems. In Proceedings of the IPF Conference, Milan (Italy): Politécnico de Milano, June 17-19, 9 p.

73. PINTO, F.; DA CRUZ, N.; MARQUES, R. (2013). Contracting water services with public and private partners. In Proceedings of the 3rd International IWA Conference on Water Economics, Statistics and Finance, Marbella (Spain): International Water Association (IWA), April 24-26, 10p.

72. MARQUES, R.; CARVALHO, P. (2013). Market structure of water services in Portugal. In Proceedings of the 3rd International IWA Conference on Water Economics, Statistics and Finance, Marbella (Spain): International Water Association (IWA), April 24-26, 10 p.


71. DA CRUZ, N.; MARQUES, R. (2013). A multi-criteria model to determine the sustainability level of water services. In Proceedings of the 5th IWA Conference on Benchmarking and Performance Assessment, Medellín (Colombia), International Water Association (IWA), April 9-12.


70. PEREIRA, I.; MARQUES, R.; CRUZ, C. (2013). The development of PPP in urban rail systems: what we have learned? In Proceedings of the PPP International Conference 2013 – Body of Knowledge, Preston (UK): University of Central Lancashire, March 18-20, 10 p.

69. MARQUES, R.; CRUZ, C. (2013). Can management contracts avoid the PPP renegotiations? Lessons from the water sector. In Proceedings of the PPP International Conference 2013 – Body of Knowledge, Preston (UK): University of Central Lancashire, March 18-20, 11 p.

68. CARVALHO, P.; MARQUES, R. (2012). The influence of the operational environment on the efficiency of Portuguese hospitals. In Proceedings of the Management Studies Conference, Faro (Portugal): Universidade do Algarve, November 21-23, 8 p.


67. OLIVEIRA, R.; PEDRO, I.; MARQUES, R. (2012). Portuguese hotels in the Algarve: a comparative analysis of mathematical and econometric approaches. In Proceedings of the Management Studies Conference, Faro (Portugal): Universidade do Algarve, November 21-23, 8 p.

66. MARQUES, R.; SIMÕES, P.; DA CRUZ, N. (2012). MARQUES, R.; SIMÕES, P.; DA CRUZ, N. (2012). Assessing the efficiency of recycling systems: evidence from Portugal. In Proceedigns of the  ISWA World Solid Waste Congress, Florence (Italy): International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), September 17-19, 13 p.

65. CABRAL, M.; FERREIRA, S.; DA CRUZ, N.; SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2012). Comparing the financial flows in the recycling of packaging waste in Europe. In Proceedings of the ISWA World Solid Waste Congress, Florence (Italy): International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), September 17-19, 13 p.


64. SIMÕES, P.; DA CRUZ, N.; MARQUES, R. (2012). Comparing the financial flows in the recycling of packaging waste in Europe. In Proceedings of the 52nd European Congress of the RSAI and 4th Central European Regional Science Conference: Regions in Motion - Breaking the Path,  Bratislava (Slovakia): European Regional Science Association (ERSA), August 21-25, 12 p.


63. SIMÕES, P.; DA CRUZ, N.; MARQUES, R. (2012). Systems of packaging waste recycling in the EU: comparing five different case-studies. In Proceedings of the 52nd European Congress of the RSAI and 4th Central European Regional Science Conference: Regions in Motion - Breaking the Path, Bratislava (Slovakia): European Regional Science Association (ERSA), August 21-25, 12 p.

62. SIMÕES, P.; DA CRUZ, N.; MARQUES, R.; FERREIRA, S.; CABRAL, M. (2012). The financial flows in the recycling of packaging waste: the case of France. In Proceedings of the 52nd European Congress of the RSAI and 4th Central European Regional Science Conference: Regions in Motion - Breaking the Path, Bratislava (Slovakia): European Regional Science Association (ERSA), August 21-25, 11 p.

61. DA CRUZ, N.; MARQUES, R. (2011). Indicador de governança municipal: versão 1.0. In Proceedings of the XVIII APDR Congress: Innovation and Regional Dynamics, Faro (Portugal): Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional (APDR), June 14-16, 10 p.


60. DA CRUZ, N.; MARQUES, R. (2011). Os determinantes de desempenho económico dos municípios. In Proceedings of the XVIII APDR Congress: Innovation and Regional Dynamics, Faro (Portugal): Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional (APDR), June 14-16, 11 p.

59. DA CRUZ, N.; SIMÕES, P.; FERREIRA, S.; CABRAL, M.; MARQUES, R. (2011). O sistema da reciclagem em Portugal: Comparação com outros Estados-Membros. In Proceedings of the XVIII APDR Congress: Innovation and Regional Dynamics, Faro (Portugal): Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional (APDR), June 14-16, 9 p.


58. SIMÕES; P.; PIRES, J.; MARQUES, R. (2011). Regulação do serviço de resíduos em Portugal. In Proceedings of the VII Congresso da Associação Brasileira das Agências de Regulação, Brasília (Brazil): Centro de Convenções Ulysses Guimarães, Associação Brasileira das Agências Reguladoras (ABAR), September 20-23, 10 p.


57. CRUZ, C.; IBANEZ, T.; MARQUES, R. (2011). Renegotiation in PPPs. Does it matter? In Proceedings of the Workshop on PPPs, Barcelona (Spain): Universitat de Barcelona, May 26, 10 p.

56. SIMÕES, P.; CARVALHO, P.; MARQUES, R. (2011). Market structure of urban solid waste. Different models, different results. In Proceedings of the Workshop on PPPs, Barcelona (Spain): Universitat de Barcelona, May 26, 10 p.


55. DA CRUZ, N.; MARQUES, R. (2011). Does the mixed model provide the value for money?. An analysis of different local government studies. In Proceedings of the Workshop on PPPs, Barcelona (Spain): Universitat de Barcelona, May 26, 10 p.

54. MARQUES, R.; BERG, S.; YANE, S. (2011). Performance benchmarking analysis of Japanese water utilities. In Proceedings of the PI2011 - International Conference on Benchmarking and Performance Assessment of Water Services, Valencia (Spain): International Water Association, March 14-16, 10 p.


53. SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2011). Providing incentives to water services regulation in developing countries: the case of Cape Verde. In Proceedings of the PI2011 - International Conference on Benchmarking and Performance Assessment of Water Services, Valencia (Spain): International Water Association, March 14-16, 10 p.


52. CARVALHO, P.; MARQUES, R.; BERG, S. (2011). A meta-regression analysis of benchmarking studies on water utilities market structure. In Proceedings of the PI2011 - International Conference on Benchmarking and Performance Assessment of Water Services, Valencia (Spain): International Water Association, March 14-16, 10 p.

51 DA CRUZ, N.; MARQUES, R.; ROMANO, G.; GUERRINI, A. (2011). Measuring performance in Mediterranean countries: A comparison between Portugal and Italy. In Proceedings of the PI2011 - International Conference on Benchmarking and Performance Assessment of Water Services, Valencia (Spain): International Water Association, March 14-16, 10 p.


50. MARQUES, R.; SIMÕES, P.; PIRES, J. (2010). Best practices in worldwide water regulation. In Proceedings of the 7th IWA World Water Congress, Montreal (Canada): International Water Association, September 19-24, 8 p.


49. SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2010). How far has regulation been effective in the Portuguese waste sector? In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Economics and Management of Public Utilities, Milan/Novara (Italy): University of Bocconi e University of Eastern Piedmont, July 15-16, 15 p.


48. DA CRUZ, N.; MARQUES, R. (2010). The drivers of local governments involved in the creation of mixed companies. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Economics and Management of Public Utilities, Milan/Novara (Italy): University of Bocconi e University of Eastern Piedmont, July 15-16, 15 p.

47. CRUZ, C.; MARQUES, R. (2010). An overview of contract arrangements in seaports concessions. In Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), Estoril (Portugal): Edições Cargo, July 7-9, 20 p.


46. DA CRUZ, N.; MARQUES, R. (2010). Accountability and governance in local public services. In Proceedings of the Third Biennial Conference of ECPR on Regulation in the Age of Crisis, Dublin (Ireland): The Standing Group on Regulatory Governance of the European Consortium for Political Research, June 17-19, 8 p.


45. ROSMANINHO, G.; MARQUES, R. (2010). Risks, renegotiation and regulation of PPPs in the road sector in Portugal. In Proceedings of the XVI World Meeting of IRF, Sharing the Road, Lisbon (Portugal): International Road Federation, May 25-28, 8 p.


44. OHIRA, T.; MARQUES, R. (2010). Eficiência dos reguladores. In Proceedings of the VIII Ciclo de Debates em Economia Industrial, Trabalho e Teologia, São Paulo (Brazil): Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Economia Política, Pontifícia Universidade Católica, May 20, 8 p.


43. MARQUES, R.; SIMÕES, P.; BERG, S. (2009). Regulação dos serviços de água e de águas residuais em países em desenvolvimento. In Proceedings of the 9.º SILUSBA (Simpósio de Hidráulica e Recursos Hídricos dos Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa), Benguela (Angola): Associação Portuguesa de Recursos Hídricos (APRH), Associação Cabo-verdiana de Recursos Hídricos (ACRH), Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos (ABRH) and Associação Moçambicana de Ciência e Tecnologia (AMCT), October 28-30, 14 p.


42. MARQUES, R.; SIMÕES, P.; HIPONCIANO, H. (2009). A regulação dos serviços de água e de águas residuais em Cabo Verde. In Proceedings of the 9.º SILUSBA (Simpósio de Hidráulica e Recursos Hídricos dos Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa), Benguela (Angola): Associação Portuguesa de Recursos Hídricos (APRH), Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos (ABRH) and Associação Moçambicana de Ciência e Tecnologia (AMCT), October 28-30, 15 p.


41. SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2009). Performance benchmarking of Portuguese urban solid waste treatment services. In Proceedings of the World Solid Waste Congress, Lisbon (Portugal): ISWA/APESB 2009 World Congress, October 12-15, 10 p.


40. MARQUES, R.; SIMÕES, P.; PIRES, J.; ALMEIDA, J. (2009). Regulation of water and wastewater services: an international comparison. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Water Economics and Statistics, Oporto (Portugal): Faculdade de Engenharia do Porto, May 15, 15 p.


40. SANTOS, J.; MARQUES, R.; COSTA, A. (2009). European metros: benchmarking experience. A Portuguese perspective. Actas da ‘CITTA 2nd Annual Conference on Planning Research Evaluation in Planning, Research Centre for Territory, Transports and Environment’, Porto (Portugal): Faculdade de Engenharia do Porto, 15 de Maio, 15 p.

39. MARQUES, R.; SIMÕES, P.; PIRES, J. (2009). A regulação dos serviços de água e de águas residuais. Casos de estudo internacionais. In Proceedings of the VI Congresso da Associação Brasileira das Agências de Regulação, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil): Hotel Sheraton, Associação Brasileira das Agências de Regulação (ABAR), May 16-18, 15 p. 


38. MARQUES; R.; SIMÕES, P. (2009). A regulação dos serviços aeroportuários na Europa. In Proceedings of the VI Congresso da Associação Brasileira das Agências de Regulação, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil): Hotel Sheraton, Associação Brasileira das Agências de Regulação (ABAR), May 16-18, 15 p.


37. SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2009). Measuring productivity and efficiency of Portuguese solid waste utilities. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology, Philadelphia (USA): Department of Civil Engineering, Widener University, March 15-18, 10 p.


36. MARQUES, R.; SIMÕES, P.; PIRES, J. (2009). Performance benchmarking in utility regulation: The worldwide experience. In Proceedings of the PI09: Benchmarking water services - the way forward, Amsterdam (The Netherlands): International Water Association, Royal Netherlands Waternetwork e Vewin, West Indisch Huys, March 11-13, 9 p.


35. SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2009). The sunshine regulation fault? Discussion of the Portuguese water model. In Proceedings of the PI09: Benchmarking water services - the way forward, Amsterdam (The Netherlands): International Water Association, Royal Netherlands Waternetwork e Vewin, West Indisch Huys, March 11-13, 9 p.


34. MARQUES, R. (2008). The yardstick competition regulatory model: discussing the Portuguese experience. In Proceedings of the 6th IWA World Water Congress, Vienna (Austria): International Water Association (IWA), September 7-12, 8 p.

33. PIRES, J.; ALMEIDA, J.; MARQUES, R. (2008). International case studies of regulation of water and wastewater services. In Proceedings of the 6th IWA World Water Congress, Vienna (Austria): International Water Association (IWA), September 7-12, 8 p.

32. BERNARDINO, P.; MARQUES, R. (2008). Pain or panacea. Application of balanced scorecard in universities. In Proceedings of the Governance and Management Models in Higher Education – A Global Perspective, Coimbra (Portugal): European University Association e Coimbra Center for Innovative Management (CCIM), September 3-5, 10 p.


31. MARQUES, R.; BROCHADO, A. (2008). Managerial implications of HedPERF results. In Proceedings of the Teaching and Learning 2008: Achieving Excellence and Quality in Education, Aveiro (Portugal): International Association for the Scientific Knowledge (IASK), ISBN 978-972-99397-8-5, May 26-28, pp. 964-966.


30. BROCHADO, A.; MARQUES, R. (2008). Comparing five instruments to measure service quality in higher education. In Proceedings of the Teaching and Learning 2008: Achieving Excellence and Quality in Education, Aveiro (Portugal): International Association for the Scientific Knowledge (IASK), ISBN 978-972-99397-8-5, May 26-28, pp. 128-132.


29. BERNARDINO, P.; MARQUES, R. (2008). Comparison of regulatory models of higher education in Europe. The Portuguese situation. In Proceedings of the Teaching and Learning 2008: Achieving Excellence and Quality in Education, Aveiro (Portugal): International Association for the Scientific Knowledge (IASK), ISBN 978-972-99397-8-5, May 26-28, pp. 697-706.


28. DE WITTE, K.; MARQUES, R. (2008). Optimal incentives in local public utilities: an international benchmarking study of the drinking water sector. In Proceedings of the Performance Assessment of Urban Infrastructure Services, Valencia (Spain): COST C18 e IWA, ISBN 1843391910, March 12-14, pp. 297-307.


27. CORREIA, T.; BROCHADO, A.; MARQUES, R. (2008). Benchmarking the performance of Portuguese water utilities. In Proceedings of the Performance Assessment of Urban Infrastructure Services, Valencia (Spain): COST C18 e IWA, ISBN 1843391910, March 12-14, pp. 273-284.

26. SIMÕES, P.; MARQUES, R. (2008). Measuring the performance of the Portuguese solid waste services. In Proceedings of the Performance Assessment of Urban Infrastructure Services, Valencia (Spain): COST C18 e IWA, ISBN 1843391910, March 12-14, pp. 465-476.


25. BROCHADO, A.; MARQUES, R. (2007). Measuring service quality in high education service. In Proceedings of the ENBIS 7 Conference, Dortmund (Germany): European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics, September 24-26, 15 p.


24. DE WITTE, K.; MARQUES, R. (2007). Designing incentives in local public utilities, an international comparison in the drinking water sector. In Proceedings of the Conference of the Study Group on Performance in the Public Sector, Madrid (Spain): European Group of Public Administration (EGPA), September 19-22, 25 p.


23. CARVALHO, M.; MARQUES, R. (2007). Economic regulation in the Portuguese seaport sector. In Proceedings of the IAME2007 Annual Conference: Challenges and Trends in Shipping: Markets, Investments and Policies, Athens (Greece): Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), July 4-6, 20 p.


22. MARQUES, R. (2007). A regulação dos serviços públicos de infra-estruturas. In Proceedings of the V Congresso da Associação Brasileira das Agências de Regulação, Recife, Pernambuco (Brazil): Centro de Convenções, Associação Brasileira de Agências Reguladoras (ABAR), May 6-9, 13 p.


21. MARQUES, R. (2007). O uso de benchmarking na regulação dos serviços públicos. In Proceedings of the V Congresso da Associação Brasileira das Agências de Regulação, Recife, Pernambuco (Brazil): Centro de Convenções, Associação Brasileira de Agências Reguladoras (ABAR), May 6-9, 14 p.


20. CARVALHO, M.; MARQUES, R. (2007). A regulação económica do sector portuário português. In Proceedings of the V Congresso da Associação Brasileira das Agências de Regulação, Recife, Pernambuco (Brazil): Centro de Convenções, Associação Brasileira de Agências Reguladoras (ABAR), May 6-9, 12 p.


19. MARQUES, R. (2007). Using yardstick competition in water services regulation and governance. In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium of DEA, Hyderabad (India): Indian School of Business School, International Data Envelopment Analysis Society, January 5-7, 5 p.


18. DE WITTE, K.; MARQUES, R. (2006). Designing incentives in local public utilities, an international comparison of the drinking water sector. In Proceedings of the Working Group Seminar Public Economics, Leuven (Belgian): Faculty of Economics and Business, Catholic University of Leuven, December 19, 40 p.


17. MARQUES, R.; LEVY, J. (2006). A qualidade do serviço de distribuição de água. O parecer do consumidor. In Proceedings of the 5.º Congresso Ibérico Gestão e Planeamento, Faro (Portugal): Fundação da Nova Cultura da Água (FNCA), December 4-8, 16 p.


16. MARQUES, R.; CONTRERAS, F. (2006). Water and sewerage services performance based regulation. The Colombian regulatory model. In Proceedings of the XXX AIDIS, 30th Inter American Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Conference, Punta del Este (Uruguay): Inter American Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (AIDIS), November 26-30, 8 p.


15. MARQUES, R. (2006). Yardstick competition on the spot. A panacea for the Portuguese water industry? In Proceedings of the XXX AIDIS, 30th Inter American Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Conference, Punta del Este (Uruguay): Inter American Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (AIDIS), November 26-30, 8 p.


14. MARQUES, R.; GOMES, R.; MONTEIRO, A. (2005). Benchmarking of the water losses in Portugal. In Proceedings of the Leakage 2005 Specialized Conference, Halifax, New Scotland (Canada): International Water Association (IWA), September 12-14, 10 p.

13. MARQUES, R. (2005). Regulation through yardstick competition. Fantasy or reality in the Portuguese water industry? In Proceedings of the International Conference on Governance Systems and Competitive Models in Water Services, Palermo (Italy): Federutilitiy e International Water Association (IWA), October 12-14, 8 p.


12. MARQUES, R.; MONTEIRO, A. (2005). Measuring the economic performance of the water services. A statistical non-parametric approach. In Proceedings of the IWA International Conference on Water Economics, Statistics, and Finance, Rethymno, Crete (Greece): International Water Association (IWA), ISBN 960-88711-0-7, July 8-10, 8 p.


11. MARQUES, R.; MONTEIRO, A. (2005). Technical efficiency of the water and sewerage services. An empirical study. In Proceedings of the III International Conference Efficient Use and Management of Water for Urban Supply, Santiago do Chile (Chile): International Water Association (IWA), ISBN 0-902683-73-X, March 14-18, 8 p.


10. MARQUES, R.; MONTEIRO, A. (2004). Benchmarking the economic performance of Portuguese water and sewerage services. In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium of DEA, Birmingham (UK): Aston Business School, University of Aston, ISBN 0-902683--73-X, September 5-6, 7 p.


9. MARQUES, R.; MONTEIRO, A. (2004). Measuring efficiency and productivity of water and sanitation services - a benchmarking exercise in Portugal. In Proceedings of the Conference Joint Management 2004, Phoenix, Arizona (USA): Water Environment Federation (WEF) and American Water Works Association (AWWA), March 13-16, 18 p.

8. MARQUES, R.; MONTEIRO, A. (2003). Measuring productivity & efficiency of water & sewerage services - a case study in Portugal. In Proceedings of the Global Developments in Water Industry Performance Benchmarking, Perth, Western Australia (Australia): Office of Water Regulation (OWR), October 29-November 2, 18 p.


7. MARQUES, R.; MONTEIRO, A. (2003). Measuring productivity & efficiency of water and sewerage utilities. A total factor productivity approach. In Proceedings of the II International Conference Efficient Use and Management of Water for Urban Supply, Tenerife (Spain): International Water Association (IWA) and American Water Works Association (AWWA), April 2-4, 20 p.


6. MARQUES, R.; MONTEIRO, A. (2003). Economic regulation of the water and sewerage utilities. The Portuguese experience. In Proceedings of the V BNAWQ Seminar Private Participation in Water Supply and Sewerage Systems, Sofia (Bulgaria): Bulgarian National Association on Water Quality (BNAWQ), February 19-21, pp. 44-52.


5. MARQUES, R.; MONTEIRO, A. (2002). A regulação dos serviços de abastecimento de água e de saneamento. In Proceedings of the X Encontro Nacional de Saneamento Básico (ENASB) and X Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (SILUBESA), Braga (Portugal): Associação Portuguesa de Estudos de Saneamento Básico (APESB) e Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária (ABES), September 16-19, 15 p.


4. MARQUES, R.; MONTEIRO, A. (2002). Application of performance indicators to control losses and leakages in water supply systems - results from Portuguese water sector. In Proceedings of the 3rd IWA World Water Congress, Melbourne (Australia): International Water Association (IWA), ISBN 1-843394-456, April 7-12, 9 p.


3. MARQUES, R.; MONTEIRO, A. (2000). Avaliação de recursos humanos em empresas de abastecimento de água. In Proceedings of the IX Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, Porto Seguro, Baía (Brazil): Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (ABES) e Associação Portuguesa de Recursos Hídricos (APRH), April 9-14, 10 p.


2. MARQUES, R.; MONTEIRO, A. (2000). Application of performance indicators in water utilities management - a case-study in Portugal. In Proceedings of the 1st IWA World Water Congress, Paris (France): International Water Association (IWA), July 3-7, pp. 39-46.


1. MARQUES, R.; MONTEIRO, A.; CARMO, J. (1999). Indicadores de gestão de sistemas de abastecimento de água. In Proceedings of the IV SILUSBA - Encontro de Hidráulica e Recursos Hídricos dos Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa, Coimbra (Portugal): Associação Portuguesa de Recursos Hídricos (APRH), Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos (ABRH) e Associação Moçambicana de Ciência e Tecnologia (AMCT), May 24-26, 13 p.

Articles published in proceedings of international conferences

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